A fourth-grade teacher who played a hilarious prank on his students for April Fool's Day that included a nod to RuPaul's Drag Race got a chance to tell his story on The Ellen Show this week. A video of teacher Joe Dombrowski administering a pop spelling quiz to his students in which he asked them to spell words like "blorskee" and Drag Race contestant "Rolaskatox's" name was watched by more than 20 million people, including Ellen DeGeneres.
Clearly, a teacher with a great sense of humor, Dombrowsky asked his befuddled students to spell "blorskee" before he used in the not the least bit helpful sentence, "I lost my blorskee at a carnival."
The enthusiastic teacher who works at a Michigan Title 1 elementary school (a school with a high number of low-income families that receives some governmental assistance to ensure kids meet the state academic standards) explained to DeGeneres that he continually tries to keep his students laughing, adding that if they're laughing they remember what they're taught.
In the video, he asked them to spell Rolaskatox before he used it in a sentence. "Ro-laska-tox... Ro-laska-tox was surprised when Jinkx took the crown," Dombrowsky told his students with a straight face. "If you didn't get the hyphens, I'm sorry you got that word wrong."
Before surprising Dombrowski with a gift from Shutterfly to help offset the cost of supplies and extras for his classroom that aren't covered by the school, DeGeneres administered a spelling pop quiz of her own to Dombrowski, who took it very seriously.
Watch DeGeneres and the inspiring teacher below.