Odd Future's Frank Ocean Comes Out
Odd Future's Frank Ocean Comes Out

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Odd Future's Frank Ocean Comes Out
The avant-garde hip-hop group Odd Future has another LGBT member among its ranks.
Frank Ocean, 24, revealed in a note posted to his blog that his first love was a man he met four years ago. "I was 19 years old. He was too. We spent that summer and the summer after, together. Everyday almost. And on the days we were together, time would glide. Most of the day I'd see him, and his smile. I'd hear his conversation and his silence ... until it was time to sleep. Sleep I would often share with him. By the time I realized I was in love, it was malignant. It was hopeless. There was no escaping, no negotiating with the feeling. No choice. It was my first love, it changed my life."
According to Fader, the message was intended to be part of the liner notes for his solo album, Channel Orange.
Tyler the Creator, Ocean's controversial group mate, publicly expressed his support to Ocean on Twitter.
Out recently interviewed Syd the Kyd, the openly lesbian member of Odd Future, who said the group's focus is to be truth-tellers. "We're just a group of kids who make mistakes, and rather than lying about them, we use the truth to tell other people, people our age, 'Know that you're going to make mistakes. Shit isn't going to be perfect. If you need to scream at somebody, do it and apologize later.'"