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Trump Is Trying to Turn Gays Against Muslims

Both the GOP nominee and many of his LGBT supporters are using Islamophobia to sway Democrats. It's disgraceful, writes People for the American Way's Peter Montgomery.

There’s More Than One Roy Moore Scandal

Lost amid his alleged dalliances with children is the fact that the twice-fired judge has no respect for the rule of law.

Op-ed: Why the Tim Tebow Debacle Was a Culture War Victory

The NFL quarterback's decision to back out of a speaking engagement is a milestone for LGBT equality, argues Right Wing Watch's Peter Montgomery.

Trump Gives Haters a Prominent Spot at the United Nations

Our flailing president has given a huge platform to rabid homophobe and misogynist Austin Ruse.

Ted Cruz Lost, But Trump Is Giving the Religious Right His Cabinet

Donald Trump's grand bargain with the right wing is now coming into focus.