"I dreamt I was riding your log with your pipe in my mouth," and other Freudian misinterpretations of advertising from the last century.
April 10 2014 6:00 AM EST
November 17 2015 5:28 AM EST
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Welcome to the Valley of the Double Entendre, where gay people see meanings that aren't there ... or are they? Could anyone ever have been so innocent?
Fasten your seat belt, Earle, it's going to be a long symbolic ride.
My compliments on your very good taste in capelets, young, young man.
I have something very special behind me I brought just for you, darling. Go ahead, just reach around and grab.
So that's how it works.
Wait! What? No, it's not the plump vividly red wiener perched oh so close to that young man's cherry virgin lips that made us think this ad had gay overtones. Guess you missed the gay singing wieners at the bottom of the ad. Although now that you point that out, yeah, pretty gay.
Really, Dwayne, are we going to get into one of those protracted arguments about Bauhaus vs. De Stijl again?
As your ski instructor, it's the least I can do after you took that nasty fall. Where are the scissors? I think we're going to have to cut those stretch pants off you.
I suppose we should be grateful to Dutch and Dagger over there. They said we'd really hit it off.
What is that man's left hand throttling?
Get your mind out of the gutter.
Most interested in the tricks with leftovers.
Darling, would you mind terribly walking a few paces behind us?
Where on the Kinsey Scale do those aprons fit?
OK, did everyone smoke a pipe before it was OK to be gay?
Is your home GAYTOP gay?