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Michele Bachmann

Read here about Michele Bachmann, Republican member of the United States House of Representatives, representing Minnesota's 6th district. An original supporter of the Tea Party, Bachman is a founder of the House Tea Party Caucus and has been dubbed the "Queen of the Tea Party". Read about why this 2012 candidate for the Republican presidential nomination dropped out in January 2012 after finishing in sixth place in the Iowa caucuses. Michele Bachmann previously served in the Minnesota State Senate, where she campaigned tirelessly against gay marriage and LGBT rights. She is the first Republican woman to represent the state in Congress, but announced in May 2013 that she would not seek re-election in 2014.

Antigay Counselor Marcus Bachmann Gets Presidential Appointment

Bachmann, husband of former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, has been accused of practicing conversion therapy.

Antigay Michele Bachmann: 'Smash! Joe Biden Is Not Our President!'

The former congresswoman recorded a bizarre video where she spoke of breaking clay pots.

Values Voter Summit Speakers Stand Behind Kavanaugh, Praise Trump

Speakers dismiss sexual assault allegations against the Supreme Court nominee and say Trump has created a "golden time."

Homophobe Michele Bachmann Considering Senate Run, If God Says OK

The anti-LGBT former congresswoman and presidential hopeful might run for Al Franken's old seat if she hears the call.

Michele Bachmann Is Terrified of Intersectionality

The former congresswoman outlines how the gay agenda is working with Muslims and Black Lives Matter to "realize the fall of individual liberties."

All the Biggest 'Traditional Marriage' Warriors Are Sticking by Donald Trump

The Republican presidential candidate is losing support from some corners -- but not from the evangelicals who most loudly have promoted "family values."

The Roots' Subtle Stand Against Donald Trump

The Tonight Show band played some musical resistance to guest Donald Trump when host Jimmy Fallon failed to.

Meet Trump's Horrifying Evangelical Advisory Board

Donald Trump says he's a friend of the gays, but he just got in bed with some of our worst enemies.

Bachmann Backtracks Claim That Marriage Equality's 'Not an Issue'

The right-wing congresswoman also said the subject is 'boring' -- but she then added that she meant it's boring that the media only asks Republicans about the issue.

Michele Bachmann Is Back With One of Her Worst Comments Ever

If she does try to win the Republican nomination in 2016, expect more of this sort of thing.

WATCH: Pro-Equality Judges Need Plumbing Lessons, Says Louie Gohmert

The right-wing Texas congressman finds yet another justification for his homophobia, while Michele Bachmann chimes in as well.

Michele Bachmann Excludes Gay Parents in Adoption Resolution

The Minnesota representative has rejected a request from Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, who is gay, to include language that supports LGBT parents in an adoption resolution.

Op-ed: Liberal is the New F Word

If someone hates liberals, they probably hate gays and transgender people, too. Just ask Sarah Palin.

Op-ed: That's Right, I Was a Republican

Self-acceptance depends on which groups we're part of -- especially if that group is the GOP.

WATCH: The John Boehner Party Gets Wild on SNL

Republicans know how to have a good time -- at your expense.

Op-ed: How to Know When Republicans Really Have Changed

How the GOP treats Ted Cruz could be an indicator of whether it's sincere about a big-tent makeover.

WATCH: Minn. Rep. Sings to Celebrate Marriage Equality

The day before his state began performing same-sex marriages, the Minnesota Democrat filmed a special message to his constituents.

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Michele Bachmann?

Attack ads are pervasive in politics, but none call out antigay candidates -- yet. Is now the time to go negative?

Right-Wingers: Court Doesn't Change God's Law

Michele Bachmann and others cited the Bible and the 'best interest of children' in denouncing today's rulings.