After the devastation of Hurricane Sandy, the future of the Ali Forney Center, a New York City organization serving homeless LGBT teens, was looking rather grim.
Once news spread of the
destruction of the group's drop-in center in Chelsea, the LGBT community rallied to help, even raising more than $400,000 to help with rebuilding. Now even more good news to add to the new year cheer: Time Warner Cable has chosen the Ali Forney Center as the recipient of the Time Warner Cable Learning Lab grant, $50,000 in funds that will provide the center with new computers, tablets, and televisions with the latest technology.
John Quigley, Time Warner's regional vice president for New York City operations, said the company is "proud to partner with an organization that serves as a strong voice for homeless LGBT youth in New York City and across the nation. The Time Warner Cable Learning Lab will feature programs and resources that will assist youth in their educational and career development needs as they grow from adolescence to adulthood."