Dylan Scholinski, a Denver-based artist, has created a safe haven for LGBT students to use art to express their frustrations, hardships, and even suicidal thoughts.
Aptly named, The Haven Youth Project is hosted at Scholinski's Sent(a)Mental Studios, and last school year served more than 1,000 young people by proceeding safe spaces, opportunities, and creative outlets for youth to express the feelings and experiences they face when navigating life's transitions.
Looking to build on the project's success this year, Scholinski launched an IndieGogo page to help fund the Haven Youth Project, which includes a video featuring Scholinski and some of the youth who have benefitted from the project.
Scholinski tells The Advocate that every little bit of additional funding helps, and pointed out that if each of Scholinski's Facebook friends contributed $4.44 -- roughly the cost to take a friend out for coffee or tea -- the campaign would reach its $12,000 goal.
Watch the video and meet Scholinski and the Sent(a)Mental Youth below, and find more information about the project at IndieGogo.
Sent(a)Mental Studios - HAVEN YOUTH PROJECT from Improbable Pictures on Vimeo.