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N.H. Marriage Equality Group to Lawmakers: Focus on Jobs, Not Bigotry

N.H. Marriage Equality Group to Lawmakers: Focus on Jobs, Not Bigotry


A New Hampshire pro-marriage equality group is calling on social conservative lawmakers to halt their attempts to repeal a marriage equality bill passed by the state legislature in 2009, the Associated Press reports.

The bipartisan group, Standing Up for New Hampshire Families, includes the support of former state Supreme Court Chief Justice John Broderick, who said in a Thursday statement, "It would be tragic to turn back the clock to the dark days of discrimination, intolerance, and false stereotypes."

Earlier this week, the state's House Judiciary Committee voted 11-6 to advance a bill that would repeal the marriage bill and replace it with a form of civil unions for unmarried adults.

Read the AP report here via Boston Globe.

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