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Affordable Care Act

Trump's New Chief of Staff Will Be White House's Biggest Homophobe Yet

As a House member, Mick Mulvaney received a zero in every term on the Human Rights Campaign's Congressional Scorecard.

Gay Republican Obamacare Critic Turns to Crowdfunding After Accident

"Sassy Gay Republican" Alex Newman eventually found out workers' comp would cover his medical costs, but he continued crowdfunding to replace his car.

Two New Studies Show Reality of Trans People's Health Challenges

And with repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the situation could get far worse.

Supreme Court Appears Inclined to Uphold Affordable Care Act

A ruling won't come down until next spring, but in hearing arguments Tuesday, the justices did not seem inclined to strike down the law.

LGBTQ+ Groups Sue Over Trump's Health Care Discrimination Rule

The new rule revoking ACA antidiscrimination provisions interferes with the right of everyone to receive health care free of bias, the suit states.

Federal Judge Strikes Down Ban on Anti-Trans Bias in Health Care

The ruling, which deals with a section of the Affordable Care Act, is expected to be appealed, so the law will stand while the legal fight continues.

Reading the Far Right: Don't Call Us Haters

The extreme-right media, which we read so you don't have to, object to the "hate group" label for certain organizations, even when it fits.