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Anthony Kennedy

Filling the Supreme Court Is More Crucial Than You Knew

Anthony Kennedy was with us on marriage, but the next justice may be the truly crucial vote in deciding the  outcome of future LGBT rights cases.…
Marriage Equality

Tell Your Neighbor We’ll Get Through This Together

Anthony Kennedy's retirement means Trump's effect lasts longer, so we have to outlast even that.

Justice Kennedy Implies Kim Davis Should Resign

In an appearance at Harvard Law School, the author of the Supreme Court's marriage equality decision said public officials must enforce the law — and should resign if they object.

Person of the Year: The Finalists

Person of the Year Finalists: We limited ourselves to selecting the 10 who were most influential on LGBT lives this year, and the resulting list of consequential figures represents the best of 2013.

Republicans Are Gloating Over the News of Kennedy's Retirement

Political commentators and senators are salivating at the possibility of an even more conservative Supreme Court.

Embattled Senator Predicts Justice Kennedy Will Retire; Is It a Ploy?

Nevada Republican Dean Heller says the swing justice will retire soon, but Heller may just be trying to energize voters.

How Joe Biden Helped Win Marriage Equality

Speaking at a Freedom to Marry event, Biden recalls his role as a U.S. senator in keeping Robert Bork off the Supreme Court -- and bringing Anthony Kennedy on.