Earlier this year, a group of LGBT seniors got together to play some games. But we're not talking about Canasta or Bridge.
Microsoft and The SAGE Center --the first LGBT senior center in New York City -- have made Xbox Bowling a way for LGBT seniors to stay social. Participants in Exergamers NYC, including blind and low vision seniors, utilize Kinect for Xbox as a fun way to stay active while keeping up with technology. ISC-VISIONS, a center for visually impaired seniors, will also soon host a Kinect event.
"We must make sure our seniors are actively engaged with technology, whether it is social media, a discussion with family over Skype, or through an email with a loved one," said Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, commissioner for the NYC Department for the Aging. "When we can have our seniors not only embrace technology, but also have it benefit their physical well being, it's a win-win for everyone."
"The Xbox has created new friendships among our members," said Sarah Savino, program manager at The SAGE Center. "People that may not normally sit with each other at dinner now do, because they come to play and support each other on the Xbox every week."
Here's a look at LGBT seniors in action: