Gioia Bruno, best
known as the former lead singer of the '80s pop trio
Expose, revealed that she has had relationships with
women as well as men. The singer (who now goes only by
her first name, pronounced "joy-ah")
made the announcement during an interview Friday on Q
Television Network's Brunch with Honey
Labrador and Scott Withers.
never wanted to put a label on myself, but, yes, I have
dated women," Gioia told the talk show hosts.
"It's about the person and what's in
their soul. Right now I am dating a man, but hey, I can
still look at the girls. I think everybody's
got a little queer in them."
Gioia has had a
strong gay following ever since Expose put her on the
map with eight Billboard top 10 singles,
including "Seasons Change" and "Let Me
Be the One." She currently headlines at
numerous gay pride events, circuit parties, and dance clubs.
The revelation about her sexuality came just before she
performed two new dance singles, "That's
Life" and "Why Did You Call Me?"