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Westboro Hates Adam Lambert


As Adam Lambert and the rest of the American Idol finalists from last season hit the peak of their summer tour, they're being followed by one of the most unwelcome groups in the country.

Members of the Westboro Baptist Church, known for hoisting homophobic signs at major events, seem to be following the tour. Members from the church popped up at a concert stop in Kansas City, about an hour away from the church's Topeka, Kan., location.

"These are a bunch of rebels against God, and they're teaching our society against the standards and commandments of God," a protester said in a video that can be seen at The group also sang the words of their most infamous sign, "God hates fags."

In response to the demonstration, Lambert wrote on Twitter, "Thank you all for the support. Love overcomes hate. Love has no color. Love has no orientation. All is love. :)"

This is not the first time that such protests have popped up on the tour. In July, demonstrators met outside the HP Pavilion in San Jose, Calif. to protest the concert.

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