The mad geniuses of Mad magazine are giving Russia the attention it deserves for the country's treatment of LGBT people.
The magazine's year-end "20 Dumbest People, Events and Things" issue hits stands December 18, and Russia clocks in at number 13 on the list for passing legislation banning so-called gay propaganda.
Aptly titled "Protecting the Homophobe-Land," Mad's hilarious ripping of Russia is accompanied by artwork in the style of a throwback propaganda poster with a wet and shirtless President Vladimir Putin at its center -- a parody of Putin's publicity photo stunt, which was designed to make the Russian president look like a macho man, but ended up resembling homoerotic photo art.
The entry reads:
President Vladimir Putin says that gays will be welcome at the upcoming Olympic games in Russia. True, he'll be welcoming them as a homophobe, but they'll be "welcome" nonetheless. Vlad signed a new law this year prohibiting "gay propaganda" and giving the Russian government authority to impose fines on anyone who violates it. Oddly, he also posed shirtless in a pathetic series of lame photos intended to show him off as a macho Bolshevik, but instead made him look, surprise surprise, totally gay. We're still waiting for him to fine himself for creating such outrageous, immoral, yet strangely stimulating "gay propaganda"!
Take a look at the full image Mad shared exclusively with The Advocate below and for more from the fun-loving publication, subscribe to the magazine.