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Surprise! 'Hairspray' star Nikki Blonsky has eloped with Hailey Jo Jenson

Nikki Blonsky and her spouse Hailey Jo Jenson looking into each other's eyes

Hailey Jo Jenson (L) and Nikki Blonsky; Photo: Christina Mellor for Out

The actor revealed that she married her partner last year, dishing on the details of the intimate engagement and ceremony.

Nikki Blonsky will never be without love.

The queer Hairspray star recently revealed that she and her partner, Hailey Jo Jenson, tied the knot in an intimate October ceremony last year. The couple spoke about their marriage for the first time publicly to Out, revealing just how the proposal and wedding went down.

"I had never wanted to marry before," Blonsky told the magazine. "That wasn't a thing for me. I was very content with my career. 'If love's going to come my way, whatever will be, will be.' And thank goodness it was meant to be."

The actor said that she and Jenson "were just hanging out watching TV in bed one night" when they each found the right moment to propose. Blonsky felt as if "the ring was burning a hole in my pocket" as the two talked about their love, and in classic queer fashion, both decided to pop the question at the same time.

"So I pull out a ring and then Hailey pulls out a ring, and then we all started screaming," she continued.

After announcing their engagement in September, 2022, the couple eloped in a "super special" private ceremony just over a year later. Blonsky said that while they considered a "big elaborate" proposal or ceremony, the two decided "that's not really us."

"That was the main thing, all I knew was that I wanted to marry Hailey," she said. "As long as Hailey showed up, we were good to go. Hailey and the person who was going to marry us."

Even after getting matching wedding band tattoos around their fingers, Blonsky and Jenson managed to keep their status under wraps for almost a year. The couple said that they decided to open up about it now because they just "couldn't keep the secret any longer."

"My brother got married in November, and it is just so nice to see people being able to refer to their spouse. And I want to be able to refer to my wife. So yeah, it now felt like the right time," Blonsky says. "And with Pride Month coming up, I always want to encourage people to live their truth and live their best life, and everybody deserves love."

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Ryan Adamczeski

Ryan is a staff writer at The Advocate, and a graduate of New York University Tisch's Department of Dramatic Writing, with a focus in television writing and comedy. She first became a published author at the age of 15 with her YA novel "Someone Else's Stars," and is now a member of GALECA, the LGBTQ+ society of entertainment critics. In her free time, Ryan likes watching New York Rangers hockey, listening to the Beach Boys, and practicing witchcraft.
Ryan is a staff writer at The Advocate, and a graduate of New York University Tisch's Department of Dramatic Writing, with a focus in television writing and comedy. She first became a published author at the age of 15 with her YA novel "Someone Else's Stars," and is now a member of GALECA, the LGBTQ+ society of entertainment critics. In her free time, Ryan likes watching New York Rangers hockey, listening to the Beach Boys, and practicing witchcraft.