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Op-ed: Why Are The Advocate's Commenters So Transphobic?

Antitrans vitriol posted in response to The Advocate's coverage of transgender issues is symptomatic of broader divisions in the LGBT population.

The VA Still Refuses to Cover Necessary Trans Health Care

It will likely take a lawsuit to end the Veterans Affairs policy of denying coverage for gender-confirmation surgery — a procedure currently covered by Medicare. 

Op-ed: The Policies Keeping Trans People From Military Service

Only policy stands between transgender people and the military service some seek.

TSA's History of Declaring Trans Bodies as Terrorist

A transgender military veteran digs into the Transportation Security Administration’s history of identifying gender-nonconformity in airline passengers as a possible security threat. 

Would a New President Clinton Repeat DOMA's Mistakes?

It's time to ask Hillary Clinton whether she's prepared to veto anti-LGBT legislation outright, or if she'd consider 'defensive action,' like she contends DOMA and DADT were for her husband.