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There's Still Room for LGBTQ+ Catholics and Allies

Instead of trying in vain to change the Roman Catholic Church, it's possible to find one's own spiritual path.

For the Gay and Heartbroken, Pets Can Be a Saving Grace

Benjamin Brenkert felt betrayed by religion, his husband, and queer life. A cockatiel came to the rescue.

Dissecting the Catholic Church's Disrespect of LGBTQ+ People

What if the Roman Catholic Church wrote about African-Americans and women the way it still writes about LGBTQ+ people? 

To the Catholic Church, All I Am Is Sin

Pope Francis cannot take away the dignity of gay Catholics, Benjamin Brenkert writes. 

Op-ed: The Harm and Shame of Negative Labeling

Growing up Catholic left one young man with a label that restricted him for years.

New Book Shows How a Tragedy Launched Italy's LGBTQ+ Rights Movement

Author and former Roman Catholic priest Francesco Lepore (pictured) examines a double murder and 40 years of Italian activism.

That a Catholic Priest May Be Gay Isn't Cause for Sadness

What's sad about the case of Msgr. Jeffrey Burrill, who resigned his post after allegations of using a gay dating app, is that clergy can't come out as gay and stay in the church.

Cold War: The Catholic Church and LGBTQ+ Believers

This year, the Vatican continued its mixed messages about queer equality and dignity. Is our patience worn thin?

Op-ed: The Gay Rights Movement, Gay Bars, and the Church

All of the hypocrisy that led me to finally leave the Catholic Church.