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Hello from all of us

Hasta la vista, Arnold

Gay, in other words

The most flamboyant, theatrical, outrageous things get noticed at pride, while the earnest and the ordinary get shunted off to an expo booth.

The Entertainer Lily Tomlin

Brokeback pyramid

The new gay tube

Looking at Logo

Chad Allen: His own story

The former teen idol and current actor-producer-activist tells all about his 1996 tabloid outing, his circuit party days, and his road to self-acceptance

Gilded Lily

The last word on Brokeback vs Crash

What was it like to be right there, backstage at the Oscars, when the 2006 Best Picture award went to Crash? Now that Brokeback Mountain is out on DVD, veteran Oscar scribe Bruce Vilanch revisits Oscar night--and the conspiracy theories gay moviegoers have lived with ever since

Everygay people

The Playbill hustle

Hot gay summer