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Tennessee Needs a Lesson in Separation of Church and Hate

Legislators in the Volunteer State have forgotten why this country was founded.

Christians Denying Syrian Refugees Is Sodomy in Action

Let's talk about the real definition of the s word.

Ex-Gay Leader Now in Favor of Marriage Equality

Alan Chambers says he now endorses same-sex relationships and condemns reparative therapy -- for everyone.


HRC's Guide to Stopping Biphobia at Work

In a new report, the Human Rights Campaign offers several 'action steps' to address the discrimination bisexuals report in the workplace.

Bisexuals Face Heightened Risk for Cancer, STIs, and Depression

HRC zeroes in on the bisexual health crisis.

Evan Rachel Wood to Bisexuals: 'Don't Let Anyone Make You Feel Unworthy'

The out actress has a special message for the Bs.

Bisexual Pioneer Brenda Howard Is the Mother of Pride

The first Pride was organized by a bisexual woman.

A Fresh Gay Face Is Shaking Things Up in Evangelical Land

After decades of evangelicals bludgeoning LGBT people with scripture, Matthew Vines reads the Bible with a different lens.

LGBT Faith Leaders Got Together To Combat Religious Homophobia; 5 Takeaways

Some 200 faith organizers attended a summit ahead of the anti-LGBT meeting of the World Congress of Families.

Here's Why I Claim Bisexuality

Here's why this bisexual activist chooses the label bisexual over pansexual, queer, or other fluid labels.

How to Get Away with Murder Returns with Bi Twist

Shondaland has returned to rule our Thursdays, and there's no shortage of LGBT drama in the new season of How to Get Away with Murder. Warning: Spoilers ahead! 

What It's Like to Be Bisexual: In Numbers

These are startling statistics on the experiences of bisexuals.

LGBT People of Faith: Why Are They Staying?

On the eve of the pope's historic U.S. visit, a new study on LGBT people and religion shows surprising results.

Millennials Aren’t the Fragile Victims We’re Made Out to Be

Standing up against weaponized language is not fragility, it's bravery, writes Eliel Cruz.

13 Things Never to Say to Bisexuals

Yes, bisexual people really do exist, but they aren't any more -- or less -- promiscuous, monogamous, or indecisive than anyone else.

Christian University Hardens Its Anti-LGBT Stances

California's Biola University strengthens anti-LGBT language in a belief statement and seeks an exemption from federal antidiscrimination law, while still receiving federal funding.

Yoko Ono: John Lennon 'Had a Desire' for Men

Lennon was bisexual but never sexually intimate with another man, his widow says in a new interview.

The New Book From Ex-Ex-Gay Alan Chambers Is Missing Something

After two decades at the helm of the largest ex-gay organization, Chambers, in his new book, fails to atone for sins committed against LGBT people.

Don't Ask Matt Damon, Tom Hardy About Their Sexuality

The actors both display an acute unease with male sexuality.

Bisexual Advocates Meet at White House

The historic meeting brought bisexuals from across the country together to address alarming disparities.