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Op-ed: It's Time To End 'Swiss Cheese' Equality

These proposed religious exemptions are "holy" in more ways than one.

Op-ed: Religion Is No Excuse for Discrimination

The right to follow a particular religion is a fundamental one for Americans, but the ACLU says it does not grant a free pass to discriminate against LGBT people.

Op-ed: The FDA Needs to Get Over Its Gay Sex Ick Factor

A blood policy based on behavior, not identity, is needed.

Op-ed: A Loophole for Discrimination

Can religious exemptions still knock the wind out of ENDA's sails?

Op-ed: 2015 Is for Bigger and Bolder Action for LGBT Equality

It's time to kick things up a notch.

Op-ed: Why ENDA Doesn't Cut It for the ACLU

When given the opportunity to discriminate against LGBT workers, the ACLU says, too many employers will take it.

Op-ed: 10 Drastic Changes Congress Should Make Now

We've got a long road ahead of us if we want to be seen as completely equal in the eyes of the law.