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Best Tweets: Travolta Out Memes Himself at the 2015 Oscars

"Glom Gazingo" wins the award for Creepiest Oscar Moments.

12 Tweets That Perfectly Sum Up Last Night's Grammys

Save yourself the three hours and let these Twitter comedians fill you in on last night's Grammys.

Quiz: How Well Do You Know 'Best in Show?'

Are you Best of Breed or a lousy mongrel? Test your knowledge of Best in Show and share your results.

10 Tweets to Perfectly Describe Awkward Family Thanksgivings

These tweets feel your pain.

WATCH: Colbert Wags Finger at Tim Cook for Coming Out

The Colbert Report host chastised Cook for violating corporate tradition by being honest.

WATCH: John Oliver's Guide to Craziest Candidates

Everyone is focusing on the wrong things, says John Oliver, who somehow makes this hilarious.

Why We Needed the Story of David Bowie's Final Years

A documentary about the intensely creative period of singer's final years premieres today on HBO, which would've been his 71st birthday. 

WATCH: Michelle Obama Gets Wacky on 'Billy on the Street'

The first lady and Big Bird join the unhinged host of Billy on the Street for the show's nuttiest episode to date, which includes a game called, "Ariana Grande or Eating a Carrot?"

11 Tweets From Those of Us Who Only Watched Halftime

Gay comedians live-tweeted the Super Bowl -- or, what they thought were the important parts.

Top 5 Reasons Why We Heart Kate McKinnon So Badly

We love you Kate.

Giggle Alert: Anderson Cooper Gets Punk'd By His Staff

Anderson Cooper didn't realize that he was the butt of his own 'Ridiculist' segment until he was live on national television.

9 Tweets Saying What We're All Thinking About The Election

The GOP now has full control of Congress. Maybe a quick laugh will ease the pain.

SNL's Diversity Training: As Awkward As You'd Imagine

Chris Rock and cast poke fun of SNL's diversity problem and teach you how to deal with those pesky "diverse" people in the workplace.

10 Resistance Tweets That Will Help You Laugh Through the Pain

Comedians fight back on Trump's favorite social media outlet. 

Gloria Estefan's Gay Labor of Love

The pop icon and her husband made a movie about a conservative straight man who gets a heart transplant from a drag queen.

SNL: A 'Weekend Update' Worth The 40-Year Wait

The ladies of 'Weekend Update' return to their desk for the 40th anniversary of Saturday Night Live with a cast of characters in tow, including Stefon and his husband.

WATCH: This Rick Perry Blooper Reel Is Perfect

The Texas Tribune celebrates the departure of Governor Rick Perry with an amazing compilation of his biggest blunders.

That Time Stephen Colbert Met the Inventor of Gaydar

Before there was Grindr, gay men had find each other with Gaydar.

QUIZ: How Well Do You Know The Birdcage?

Test your knowledge of this 1996 comedy classic.

WATCH: John Oliver Pelts Celebrities in the Face with Salmon

John Oliver decided to test out a salmon cannon on his favorite celebrities including Anderson Cooper, Wanda Sykes, and the cast of Modern Family.