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Trans Actress Shakina Nayfack Joins Cast of Difficult People

The hit Hulu original comedy series will move the needle for LGBT visibility forward in its upcoming second season. 

Celebs React to Abrupt Canceling of Sirius OutQ

Several celebrities tweeted their disappointment at the loss of Sirius XM's LGBT channel.

PHOTOS: The Power of 'Superqueeroes'

For the first time in Europe, a museum exhibition dedicated to the art of queer comics will flex its muscle. 

Nintendo Dumps 'Gay Conversion' Scene From Video Game

The Japanese game Fire Emblem: Fates will have a controversial scene removed when it arrives in the U.S. and Europe. 

Gay Man Brutally Beaten on Christmas Inside His Home In Alleged Hate Crime

Robert Drew Inge claims he is the victim of a hate crime after being viciously attacked over the holiday weekend in his home. 

The Comic World Has Its First Gay Super Couple

Writer Steve Orlando is helping usher in a new era at DC Comics in which LGBT characters are among the world's greatest superheroes.

Electro-Pop Artist Explores Coming Out with 'Sleeptalking'

Trevor James Tillery traverses the moody landscape of life in the closet with his latest music video.

How to Be Single Stars Reveal Their Dream Gay Romantic Roles

The cast of How To Be Single talk about the roles they’d most like to play in a gay romantic comedy and more in the latest episode of Advocate Spotlight.   

Ian McKellen Slams Oscars for Lack of Diversity

The iconic entertainer says people of color and LGBT actors are 'disregarded by the film industry.'

Teen Wolf Actor Charlie Carver Comes Out as Gay

In a heartwarming series of personal posts on Instagram, the actor shares his coming-out process.

George Takei Opens Up on His Closeted Past

'It was excruciating to always have your guard up,' Takei says in an interview with The Michelangelo Signorile Show.

Robert Spitzer, Psychiatrist Who Eliminated Homosexuality as Mental Disorder, Dies

The psychiatrist who played a leading role in eliminating the designation of homosexuality as a mental disorder has passed away at 83.

MTV Stars Discuss the Network's LGBT Legacy

The stars of Teen Wolf, Faking It, and more discuss MTV's LGBT programing history and their place in it. 

Holland Roden Responds to Teen Wolf Castmate Charlie Carver Coming Out

"I'm really proud of him," Roden told The Advocate.

Gay Romance Heats Up on VH1's Hit the Floor

While in bed, Jude and Zero discuss the aftermath of their public kiss on the basketball court in this exclusive clip of tonight's episode of Hit the Floor. 

For Wonder Woman, It's Yesterday Once More

The Amazing Amazon continues to fight for our rights in her satin tights with the latest chapter of Wonder Woman '77. Check out our exclusive sneak peek and interview with super scribe Marc Andreyko.

No, LGBT Children's Books Do Not 'Endanger' Kids

Extreme negative reactions to books promoting diversity only prove they're needed more than ever. 

Say Hello to Teen Wolf's First Bisexual, Buddhist Werewolf

Actor Cody Saintgnue talks about his hopes for the future of Teen Wolf's first out bi guy in the latest episode of Advocate Spotlight. 

'Glee' Actor Mark Salling Arrested for Child Pornography

Over 1,000 images of child pornography have been found on the former Glee star's computer.