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Trans Positions

As the media world buzzed about the "pregnant man," trans activists stayed relatively mum. Now we're asking: Has Thomas Beatie's public exposure hurt the transgender movement?

The parent trap

Len Brooks markets himself as a fellow gay man who understands the desire to become a biological father. But some of his clients question whether the surrogacy sage and his agencies are too good to be true.

Jeff vs. the bloggers

Ex-White House reporter Jeff Gannon learned the power of gay bloggers the hard way, by being outed as a partisan operative and an alleged former hustler. Online activists have mainstream media playing catch-up, and they're reshaping the battle for gay equality.

Monkeypox Concerns Cancel LGBTQ+ Concert, But What's the Risk?

(CNN) The canceled event was to take place during New Orleans' Southern Decadence, the city's LGBTQ+ festival.

It's Lovely at the Top

Out journalist Randy Lovely takes over as editor at the conservative daily The Arizona Republic and learns firsthand what it means to be a novelty.

Seasons change

Crystal meth addiction doesn't follow the rules of traditional rehabilitation. New Seasons clinic in California looks inside the brains of addicts to crack the code.

Conservatives on the edge

Hurricanes. Criminal indictments. 2,000 dead soldiers. A supreme fight over the top court. Are D.C.'s antigay leaders too busy at the moment to fight creeping equality?

Sex. Gender. Employment Discrimination

One woman's successful lawsuit against the Library of Congress could spell more legal victories for transgender employees across the country.

Trans Positions

As the media world buzzed about the "pregnant man," trans activists stayed relatively mum. Now we're asking: Has Thomas Beatie's public exposure hurt the transgender movement?

It's Lovely at the Top

Out journalist Randy Lovely takes over as editor at the conservative Arizona Republic and learns firsthand what it means to be a novelty.

A rip in the quilt

The battle over the AIDS Memorial Quilt may be legally settled, but it has left a trail of hurt feelings and concern over the future of the epidemic's most important symbol

Sharks don't get cancer

And other tales of lesbians at the forefront in the world of complementary and alternative cancer therapies.