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What Men and Boys Need to Know About Toxic Masculinity

While we talk a lot about how toxic masculinity hurts women, we need to start discussing why it also harms the men who express it.

200 Transgender People Share Why They Won't Be Erased

They're not going anywhere.

Trans Man Jackson Bird on Sharing Transgender Voices

The YouTube creator and activist discusses coming out after attaining fame and how gaining male privilege encourages him to share others' stories. 

How Toxic Masculinity Harms Women

When college student Mollie Tibbetts was killed, some blamed immigrants. The real cause may be toxic masculinity — which perpetuates violence and homophobia. 

The Advocate Launches New In-Depth Interview Podcast

The Advocate Asks will showcase diverse voices of the LGBTQ community.

Three Generations of Queer Women Take On the Power of Labels

Three different generations have a roundtable discussion the hardships of dating, the power of labels, and the importance of trigger warnings.

Why Spider-Man Is the Most Inclusive Superhero Ever

Let's hear it for the thoroughly-modern webslinger, writes Jessie Earl.

A Millennial Trans Woman & a Gen-X Lesbian Are Thankful for Each Other

For her last official The Advocates podcast appearance, co-host Jessie Earl shares what she's been thankful for this past year. 

How Mary Lambert’s Lost Car Keys Taught Her to Deal With Shame

Singer Mary Lambert ("She Keeps Me Warm") joins The Advocates podcast to discuss her book of poetry -- Shame Is an Ocean I Swim Across. 

The Anti-Trans Memo Ignores Science and Biology, Hurting Everyone

Health and Human Services' anti-transgender memo will hurt not only trans people but cisgender ones.

'The Advocates' Podcast: Daniel Franzese Talks Conversion Therapy

The Mean Girls and Looking actor on surviving "conversation therapy" and maintaining his faith.

I Survived Being Trans in America — And So Can You

Being trans in this society is extremely challenging, writes Jessie Earl. But she urges those like her to push through the pain and find the joy on the other side.

'The Advocates' Podcast: Jasika Nicole On LGBTQ Actors Playing Queer

Scandal and Fringe actress Jasika Nicole opens up about being out and getting passed over for queer roles. She also chats about balancing advocacy and anxiety. 

Do You Need Gender Dysphoria to Be Trans?

Debating the role of anguish in trans identity.

Why the Trans Film 'Girl' Enrages People

Trans woman Jessie "Gender" Earl breaks down the controversy surrounding the Netflix film. 

'Fantastic Beasts' Tackles Fascism With White, Straight, Cis Heroes

Despite effectively showcasing the dangers of fascism, J.K. Rowling consistently fails to represent the real-world victims of a horrifying ideology.

How We Can Raise Transgender and Bi Voices Within the LGBTQ Community

On the latest The Advocates podcast, we talk about self-care during hard times and how to be sure to remain vocal for trans and bisexual people. 

What Waking Up Transgender in America Feels Like

Cisgender allies: Put yourself in our shoes.

What's the Difference Between Pansexual and Bisexual?

For Bisexual Awareness Week, a pansexual and a bisexual discuss the differences in the often misunderstood identities. 

Violence Overwhelmingly Affects Women. All Men Need to Help

From the day they're born, women are socialized to protect themselves from and be afraid of men. What can we do to change this?