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Third GOP House Member Supports DOMA Repeal

Rep. Charles Bass of New Hampshire signed on to co-sponsor the Respect for Marriage Act, becoming the second Republican House member to express support within the past week.


New Jersey Leaders Repeat Opposition to Marriage Referendum

The state Senate president and LGBT advocacy groups reaffirmed their opposition after an openly gay assemblyman introduced a measure to allow voters to decide the issue.

Christine Quinn Calls for Justice Scalia to Apologize

"Don't compare me to a murderer because I'm a lesbian," said the New York City Council Speaker. "Don't do it. It's wrong."

Lesbian Past of Candidate's Wife Rocks Mayor's Race

The New York Post sparked outrage with a cartoon following revelations about the wife of Democratic mayoral hopeful Bill de Blasio.

Where Will Justice Kennedy Stand on the Marriage Cases?

The past writings of the justice considered the swing vote suggest he could side with a sweeping decision in favor of marriage equality.

Person of the Year: Tammy Baldwin

The first openly gay U.S. senator talks about her historic campaign, being a role model, and the LGBT legislative agenda in 2013.

Republican Congressman Supports DOMA Repeal

Rep. Richard Hanna of New York becomes only the second Republican lawmaker to co-sponsor the Respect for Marriage Act. Will other Republicans follow suit?

N.J. Lawmakers Fight 'Ex-Gay' Therapy; Will Christie Veto?

Senate President Steve Sweeney said he hopes Governor Chris Christie, who vetoed marriage equality legislation, will support the ban on therapy that seeks to "change" the sexual orientation of minors.


New York Republican Who Backed Marriage Equality Stands Down

Senator Stephen Saland conceded defeat in his reelection bid, leaving only one of the four Republicans who backed marriage equality in office.

Justice Scalia Says Constitution is Dead Dead Dead Dead

"It isn't a living document," said the outspoken conservative justice. "It's dead, dead, dead, dead."

Supreme Court Gives No Word on Other Marriage Cases

The cases will likely be held until the high court issues decisions in the DOMA and Proposition 8 appeals.

Couples Begin to Marry in Washington

Emily and Sarah Cofer became the first same-sex couple to marry in Washington on Sunday.

Obama Says Hagel Qualified for Cabinet Position

The President said the Nebraska senator's apology for antigay remarks he made in 1998 shows "positive change."

Obama Pushes for Marriage Equality in Illinois

A statement from the White House marks the first time the President has backed a legislative measure in a state.

Republicans Urged to Drop $2 Million DOMA Defense

Speaker Boehner and his colleagues are asked to "end your taxpayer-funded contract for outside legal services defending discrimination."

Illinois Lawmakers Plan to Bring Marriage Bill for a Vote

Senator Heather Steans and Representative Greg Harris plan to push the legislation before the current session ends early next month.

Baldwin's Committee Assignments Handle LGBT Priorities

The first openly gay U.S. Senator has been appointed to committees dealing with ENDA, anti-bullying measures, and equal benefits for same-sex partners of federal employees.

Will Obama Weigh In On Marriage Cases?

Pressure is already mounting on the administration to file briefs in the Proposition 8 and DOMA cases before the Supreme Court.

WATCH: Ricky Martin to Join LGBT Human Rights Celebration at UN

The Tuesday event with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and LGBT human rights defenders will be live streamed from New York.