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What It's Like to Emcee Mississippi Pride

Actor and activist Kit Williamson is a Magnolia State boy who will forever love his first home.

13 Times High School Was Homophobic

Hate crimes, canceled proms, and banned t-shirts are among these lessons in intolerance.

Martin Shkreli Is an American Hero

The pharma CEO, now hit with securities fraud charges, is a potent symbol of corporate greed. Now we need to learn from Shkreli's bad example and reform his industry, writes Kit Williamson.

Republicans Hate Extremism, Except When Endorsing It

Republicans like Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee want to wage war against "radical Islam," but they often cozy up to radical Christians.

Why Drug Scandals Like Martin Shkreli's Will Keep Happening

There needs to be immediate oversight on the cost of prescription drugs in this country.

Op-ed: History, and Ignorance, Repeats Itself in Mississippi

Actor Kit Williamson can't stomach the hypocrisy wafting off the politicians of his home state.

The Casual Homophobia of Trump's America

EastSiders creator Kit Williamson on encountering prejudice in the heartland.

If Straight People Can Kiss Their Spouses, So Can We

We refuse to bow to extremists. Pucker up, boys and girls, writes Kit Williamson.

A Gay Wedding Free of 'Religious Discrimination' Laws

Actor and filmmaker Kit Williamson contemplates what his recent nuptials would have been like had he lived in a place like North Carolina.

My Mississippi Coming-Out Party

You can go home again, writes EastSiders' Kit Williamson.

The Rise of the Gay Bigot

EastSiders creator Kit Williamson says that adopting the mainstream's judgmental finger-wagging is not the path to equality.

What the Daraprim Price Gouging Means for You

Dr. Kalvin Yu of Kaiser Permanente Southern California speaks with out Mad Men actor Kit Williamson about how the controversial Daraprim price increase will affect patients living with HIV and other infectious diseases.

Kit Williamson on Working with Trump Supporter Colby Keller

Kit Williamson on the conflict over filming an episode of EastSiders with the "anti-establishment" adult-film star, and the art of handling "deplorables."

Loving New York (When It's in the Rearview Mirror)

Kit Williamson's life imitates his art during season 3 of the Emmy-nominated LGBT series EastSiders.

Mississippi Goddam

Our resident Mississippi-born writer, Kit Williamson, is feeling the spirit of Nina Simone these days.

What Do LGBT Voters Owe Hillary Clinton?

Kit Williamson supports Clinton but doesn't believe she deserves a pass for every mistake she makes. She also doesn't deserve added criticism because of her gender, he says, especially from queer men.

Don't Let the Language Police Get You 'Butthurt'

When people use offensive words, it often comes from a place of privilege — not malice — writes Kit Williamson.

All Mass Shooters Are Extremists

The Planned Parenthood shooter wasn't a "transgendered leftist activist," and we don't know yet if the San Bernardino killers had direct ISIS ties. Politicians should focus first on actions, like gun ownership, and motivations second.

Gay Men Should Be Ashamed of Slut-Shaming

The creator of EastSiders speaks out about the backlash to his show's depiction of a gay open relationship.