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Editor’s Letter: Turn Off Trump TV

Fox News and Breitbart peddled animus, and now they've given us Donald Trump.

Ireland Has a Centuries-Old Matchmaking Fest

Ireland’s matchmaking festival offers up love opportunities, with a little bit of help.

On Dodging a Perfect Storm in Puerto Vallarta

How we dodged the fiercest hurricane on record in idyllic Puerto Vallarta.

The Education of Ms. Jenner

As the world’s best-known transgender person, Caitlyn Jenner is committed to using her platform to educate. But she’s new at this.

Sifting Through the Stonewall Morass

No single movie nor any one book can completely tell the story of the riots.

New Zealand’s North Island

Renowned for their vistas and world-class LGBT-friendliness, Auckland, Wellington, Hawke's Bay, and Waiheke Island charm visitors.

Our Own Turkish Odyssey

While it's not exactly how Odysseus did it, he could have learned a thing or two on this Aegean journey from Istanbul to Athens. 

The Advocate Interview: Hillary Clinton

“I’m grateful to all of the advocates and families and friends who never stopped insisting that what’s right is right.” 

Letter From the Editor: On Orlando and Its Aftermath

You cannot decry the “lifestyle” of queer people and then wring your hands when someone takes you seriously and tries to end our lives.

Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures

A new documentary tracks the iconic photographer’s artistic rise, fame, and untimely death.

Editor's Letter: Life After Marriage Equality

When the first nation in the world enacted marriage equality by referendum, the media response was surprising. But also kind of perfect.

Mickalene Thomas's Muse

The superstar lesbian artist's new book of large-format photo portraits blends classical and '70s inspirations.

Five Days in Maui

A few days on Hawaii could recharge anyone, but at one particular oasis, the focus on inner peace made for a perfect escape.

We're Still Here Because of You

With 2017, The Advocate is in its 50th consecutive year of publishing.

Voting Is More Than an Ideological Purity Test

It's a natural impulse for outsiders--like we in the queer community--to reject the mainstream candidates and lodge a protest vote. But in this election, we must think strategically.

Hillary Clinton for President

In November, voters will have the opportunity to choose between a vetted and vocally pro-LGBT candidate and an ethically insolvent, chaotic carnival barker. 

Editor’s Letter: Tips for Visiting a Pious Little Nation

From the June/July 2016 issue, an invitation to visit the independent theocracy of North Carolina.

Editor’s Letter: Don’t Eat Your Political Friends

Why aren’t we all fully accepting of those who have gotten right on our issues, often overcoming lifetimes of social pressure predisposing them to hate us?

Visiting a New Autumn in Ireland

Autumn in Ireland, upon the arrival of same-sex marriage  

Editor's Letter: On How We'll Remember 2015

Like many of us, Matthew Breen will always remember where he was when the Supreme Court ruled for marriage equality.