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How to Stop the LGBT Rights Backslide

Amending the constitution is the only way to safeguard our lives. 

Freedoms for LGBTQ+ Americans Are on the Ballot: Make A Plan to Vote

Voters must choose lawmakers who will work to protect their privacy, private health decisions, and decisions personally affecting them and their families. 

There’s No Sugarcoating the Discrimination in Cakeshop Case

"Religious freedom" is the wrong term when referring to attempts to deny LGBT people service, writes GLAAD's Sarah Kate Ellis. Religious exemption is more like it.

GLAAD's Sarah Kate Ellis: LGBTQ+ Voters Could Decide Key 2020 Races

If every LGBTQ+ person voted in November, Donald Trump would soon be a bad memory.

The Path to LGBTQ Equality Is Through the Constitution

Congress, presidents, and judges won't save us, writes GLAAD's Sarah Kate Ellis. But a 230-year-old document might.

Net Neutrality is Vital to the LGBTQ Community

Open access to the Internet altered the course of history, including the fight for LGBT rights. That online freedom is now being threatened, writes GLAAD's Sarah Kate Ellis.