We're at 19 states and counting when it comes to same-sex marriage, which is great. But most people don't realize there are still 32 states where you can be fired just for being LGBT.
President Obama's executive order is only for federal contractors and the proposed national law (ENDA) is flawed and stalled in congress.
The next frontier for LGBT rights is in the workplace with corporations leading the way where state and federal law falls short.
Finding equality in the workplace is an issue many LGBT people struggle with every day.
Out & Equal Workplace Advocates is a non-profit group dedicated to bringing about equality on the job and has been working with companies for almost 20 years to educate employers and staff on how to be more inclusive.
Many CEOs will say Out & Equal was instrumental in their evolution on LGBT rights.
The trend of corporations taking the lead on LGBT equality has paved the way for more societal acceptance. Earlier this year, companies like Coca-Cola in Georgia and Marriott in Arizona led the opposition to proposed anti-gay legislation.
Many corporations now understand how good it is for business if the cities and states they operate in aren't labeled as discriminatory. They want access to a LGBT talent pool.
Thousands of corporate employees attend the annual Out & Equal Workplace Summit, the world's largest convening of LGBT and allied professionals. The 2014 Workplace Summit is in San Francisco Nov. 3-6.