Tuesday's episode of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart featured the latest installment of the program's recurring segment, "Gaywatch," this time subtitled "Unprecedented Penetration Edition."
Stewart noted the recent and abrupt about-face from the Boy Scouts of America, which announced on Tuesday that the organization would reconsider its ban on gay Scouts and scout leaders, seeking input from the public.
Stewart also tackled the increase in conversation about gay inclusion in professional football, a sport Stewart said is "so homophobic they invented a one-man hot tub."
Citing Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendon Ayanbadejo's outspoken support for marriage equality, and the domestic violence charges brought by a former boyfriend of former San Francisco 49ers player Kwame Harris.
Watch the clip below, and keep an ear out for one of Stewart's best lines, railing against antigay activists who say they want to be "respectful" of gay people while simultaneously condemning them.
"That's not how respect even works," explains Stewart. "You can't respectfully tell someone you think they're morally perverse."