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SNL: Roy Moore Is Even Creepier Than Jeff Sessions

SNL: Roy Moore Is Even Creepier Than Jeff Sessions

Kate McKinnon

Kate McKinnon, as Sessions, said the Republican candidate accused of sexually assaulting teen girls is "too Alabama."


Roy Moore is officially creepier than Jeff Sessions.

So declared Kate McKinnon in a new sketch on Saturday Night Live. McKinnon, dressed as the U.S. attorney general, popped out of a cabinet during the cold open of the comedy sketch series Saturday, to help convince the antigay Republican candidate from Alabama to step down.

Moore, who is running for Sessions' former seat in the U.S. Senate, is facing accusations that he sexually assaulted teen girls -- one as young as 14, when Moore was 32.

"Roy, you've been doing some controversial stuff. Wave a gun around onstage, tell folks Muslims shouldn't be allowed in Congress, and that 9/11 was God's punishment for sodomy," said McKinnon as Sessions."

"I love it," McKinnon continued. "You check a lot of boxes for me, Roy. But this is really bad. I'm usually the creepiest one in the room, but I look at you and I'm like, 'Oh my God.'"

"I'm Alabama. But you sir are too Alabama," McKinnon declared before dismissing Moore, played on SNL by Mikey Day. She then consulted a stuffed opossum named "Papa" for advice.

"There's so many men out there acting like monsters. Mr. Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, the president. Daddy, has this been happening forever? Have I both fostered and benefited from a culture of systemic oppression? No? Well, that's a relief," she said.

The sketch also featured Beck Bennett as Vice President Mike Pence, who likewise tried to sway Moore to quit his campaign.

"Voters in Alabama will never elect someone who's had relations with a minor," said Bennett.

"You sure about that?" asked Day.

"No. Alabama is quite a place. But we can't take chances," he replied.

"Don't think of it as ending your campaign," he added. "Think of it as going to conversion therapy to turn yourself into someone who's no longer a candidate."

Watch the sketch below.

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Daniel Reynolds

Daniel Reynolds is the editor of social media for The Advocate. A native of New Jersey, he writes about entertainment, health, and politics.
Daniel Reynolds is the editor of social media for The Advocate. A native of New Jersey, he writes about entertainment, health, and politics.