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Randy Rainbow Drops 'Any Dem Will Do' for Super Tuesday

Randy Rainbow

Rainbow makes the case to the tune of a song from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat that Democrat is better than Donald Trump. 

In time for Super Tuesday, Randy Rainbow has released a new satirical song to the tune of "Any Dream Will Do" from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

Rainbow begins with a few snippets from the most recent Democratic debate ahead of last Saturday's South Carolina primary before launching into song.

"How will I choose? It's like the Lotto. So here's my motto: Any Dem will do," Rainbow sings. "They're all so white, but that orange fellow turned the red side yellow, which is why I'm blue."

The news cycle moves so fast that Rainbow was able to include a nod to Pete Buttigieg dropping out on Sunday but not to Amy Klobuchar's announcement on Monday that she was suspending her campaign.

"Just do what's right when it's November, and gurl remember. Any Dem will do," Rainbow sings.

Watch "Any Dem Will Do" below.

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Tracy E. Gilchrist

Tracy E. Gilchrist is the VP of Editorial and Special Projects at equalpride. A media veteran, she writes about the intersections of LGBTQ+ equality and pop culture. Previously, she was the editor-in-chief of The Advocate and the first feminism editor for the 55-year-old brand. In 2017, she launched the company's first podcast, The Advocates. She is an experienced broadcast interviewer, panel moderator, and public speaker who has delivered her talk, "Pandora's Box to Pose: Game-changing Visibility in Film and TV," at universities throughout the country.
Tracy E. Gilchrist is the VP of Editorial and Special Projects at equalpride. A media veteran, she writes about the intersections of LGBTQ+ equality and pop culture. Previously, she was the editor-in-chief of The Advocate and the first feminism editor for the 55-year-old brand. In 2017, she launched the company's first podcast, The Advocates. She is an experienced broadcast interviewer, panel moderator, and public speaker who has delivered her talk, "Pandora's Box to Pose: Game-changing Visibility in Film and TV," at universities throughout the country.