Colby Keller: Why I Voted for Donald Trump

The gay adult film star says he lost faith in America's institutions and tries to explain how that influenced his vote. Do you buy it?
August 15 2017 1:07 AM EST
October 31 2024 6:40 AM EST
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The gay adult film star says he lost faith in America's institutions and tries to explain how that influenced his vote. Do you buy it?
Porn is fantasy. That's no surprise. To say that our democracy is equally invested in the projection of certain fantasies, however -- or, more to the point, is a fantasy -- has the potential to anger many Americans. I've been the focus of that anger lately.
It began with the Constitution. Our "forefathers," a cabal of elite owners of property (which included human beings), carefully crafted a document that has serviced their own interests -- to preserve and protect their property.
This isn't the story we receive as innocent children, about George Washington and his cherry tree, or Abraham Lincoln and his log cabin. The story of our great democracy is a fairy tale, a fantasy that continues now.
Today, the political class of both parties goes to great lengths to sow division where there should be unity.
We now know that the Democratic National Committee chose Donald Trump as its preferred candidate, thinking it could easily defeat him. He was the official DNC tool of division. It's the same old divide-and-conquer strategy that dates back civilizations. I chose Trump because democracy in the United States is a farce.
No one better represents this farce than an orange-haired comic book villain groomed on television -- decade after decade -- to caricature the rich. It is the rich who benefit from the endless war and economic deprivation that punishes the rest of us.
Those who are angry after reading about the YouTube video I posted last month explaining that I don't support Trump, even though I voted for him, should also know the context of that vote.
According to political historian and linguist Noam Chomsky, the United States is responsible for the murder of nearly 20 million people since the end of World War II. We are the only nation on earth to deploy nuclear weapons on a civilian population (twice). The U.S. government routinely rigs foreign elections, murders political opponents, jails whistleblowers, deposes elected governments, and uses illegal chemical and biological weapons on civilian populations (smallpox, Agent Orange, depleted uranium, white phosphorous, cholera, etc.).
No American should feel compelled to sacrifice their body in defense of the nation's many irrefutable crimes. We demand peace, not perpetual war. To insist, for instance, that we should send our trans kids off to join the U.S. military, in full equality with other recruits, does nothing more than deny the more compelling argument that our trans children deserve not the opportunity to die for their country but the opportunity to live for themselves. They, like every other American child, deserve education, housing, and health care.
America's economic system, pegged largely on the global sale of petroleum to the U.S. dollar, is stripping the earth of vital resources, irrevocably altering the planet's natural climate. We may soon, in fact, deprive our entire species of its ability to survive and reproduce. We are in the process of committing the biggest crime the planet has ever witnessed. Twenty million victims will soon turn to 8 billion.
So when I cast my vote last November, I knew that tying our many political successes in the ongoing struggle for LGBTQ liberation to an institution in rapid decline, like our corrupt Democratic Party, is not a strategy to preserve those gains into the future. Maintaining our rights in a world destroyed by climate-related chaos will require tremendous perseverance and fortitude.
But then again, I'm just a porn star, not a history professor. Why trust my opinion?
In democracies, it is the opinion of people just like me, working people who struggle to survive in a brutal, contentious, competitive world, whose opinions should matter. Everyone's opinion should matter. It's impossible to generate an honest appreciation of the world and the politics that should shape that world when the people who suffer the most in society aren't provided with accurate information about the world around them. As The Washington Post now warns, "Democracy Dies in Darkness."
It is dictatorships, not democracies, that rig elections. What we witnessed last November was precisely that: the intervention of dictatorship in our electoral process. One political party (of our miserly two-party state) rigged the political process to rob its constituents of a truly popular candidate, forcing their own choice on a beleaguered nation, a nation devastated by financial crimes the previous administration, from the same party, worked fervently to enable, failing to pursue a single criminal prosecution for the 2008 financial collapse. That these same criminals bankroll both parties and their candidate of choice shouldn't surprise. Corruption finds comfort in dictatorships like ours.
Every opinion should matter in a democracy. This includes poor urban black communities -- brutalized by state-sponsored drug epidemics, incarceration, and police violence -- and the much-maligned Trump voter, often from rural communities equally devastated by drugs such as meth and heroin, whose humble homes have been ripped out from under them by hedge-fund billionaires in the Hamptons.
Like it or not (and most of us dislike it, including me) Trump -- the self-financed independent billionaire -- represented a vote against a corrupt system. We can't afford to let different approaches to strategy undermine our basic, shared commitment to the future -- a future where all of us, and not just the rich and well-connected, continue to live and to love on this planet.
COLBY KELLER is an adult film star who was featured in the web series Baker Daily: Trump Takedown. He will also appear in season 3 of Eastsiders. Follow him on Twitter @colbykeller.