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Michelle Garcia

Op-ed: What If Stonewall Happened Now?

The catalyst and the heartache, as revisited with Ferguson on our TV screens.

Op-ed: Yes, It Was Homophobia

Despite the backing of Rams coach Jeff Fisher, Michael Sam currently does not have a job with the NFL.

Op-ed: What Ghostbusters And The Internet Both Share

Anger is one hell of a beast.

Op-ed: Uganda's Top Tabloid Isn't News, It's a Hit List

Uganda's tabloid rag, the Red Pepper, not only puts people's lives in danger, but it steals the materials to do so.

Op-ed: Yeah, Yeah, We Know, Smoking Is Bad

Smoking is terrible, yet we do it anyway. And it's detrimental to LGBT people in more ways than one.

Op-ed: No More Chastity Diplomas

Why can't religious colleges stop policing sex among students?

Op-ed: 6 Lessons Learned After Eight Years at The Advocate

Farewell, dears. Here's a few things I've picked up in the last few years.

Folio Names The Advocate's Managing Editor to Power Millennial List

Michelle Garcia is among this year's distinguished lineup of '20 in Their 20s' honorees.

Op-ed: Black Women and Gay White Dudes Need Each Other

Playing Oppression Olympics is not a smart strategy (but neither is putting on a minstrel show).

Op-ed: Yeah, Pope Francis, Who Are You to Judge?

The Vatican has a real problem with staying out of people's bedrooms.

Op-ed: Michael Sam, Our Great Gay Hope

The world is in a tizzy now that Michael Sam has come out.

Op-ed: Brittney Griner Does Not Need Your Makeup Tips

Why are we scared of female athletes who question the narrow views of what it means to be female?

Op-ed: Come at Me, Bro

An open letter to the idiot who couldn't handle Spirit Day.

Op-ed: That Time George W. Bush Helped Me Understand My Sexuality

The Bush administration's antigay actions propelled one woman into understanding herself.

Op-ed: The Year of Hardware, Emojis, and Cake

For us at The Advocate, it's been a pretty nice year.

Op-ed: My Bi Choice

What to do when you don't feel gay enough.

Op-ed: Hobby Lobby and the Constitutional Right to Be Stupid

Hobby Lobby just got a religious exemption from science. Yes, science.

Op-ed: Uh-Uh, Not So Fast, 'Faking It'

This show aims high for a post-gay message but falls short of really delivering it.

Op-ed: A Play to Clear Arizona's Name

Arizona has a troubled history when it comes to equality, but gay state senator Steve Gallardo is trying hard to change that.

Op-ed: Black, Gay, American — It's Complicated

Rob Smith enlisted in the Army for a way out of his small town, but ended up becoming a prominent voice among LGBT enlisted soldiers of color.