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Mueller Team Closes in on Manafort Taxes

The former campaign manager for President Trump hid millions of dollars offshore, according to prosecutors.

Reuters reports that an accountant who prepared tax returns for U.S. President Donald Trump's one-time election campaign chairman Paul Manafort resumes trial testimony on Friday. This after saying the day before that Manafort never told him that he had foreign bank accounts.

Prosecutors are expected to present to a jury detailed financial evidence they say proves Manafort hid from U.S. tax authorities millions of dollars of income. Manafort earned the income working for pro-Russian politicians in Ukraine and lied to banks to get loans.

Philip Ayliff is an accountant with KWC. He told jurors on Thursday the lack of accurate information would lead to an incorrect tax return. It was an issue he paid close attention to since 2010. Ayliff said, that's when the U.S. Treasury Department ramped up its enforcement of a law requiring U.S. disclosure by American citizens of their overseas bank accounts.

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