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David Boies

Virginia's Attorney General Joins Fight Against Marriage Ban

Not only will Attorney General Mark Herring not defend the ban, he's joined the plaintiffs who are suing to overturn the law.

First Out Boy Scout Leader Braces for Lawsuit

Former Eagle Scout Pascal Tessier, hired by a New York scouting group, has retained lawyer David Boies in case there are objections to his employment.

Person of the Year: The Finalists

Person of the Year Finalists: We limited ourselves to selecting the 10 who were most influential on LGBT lives this year, and the resulting list of consequential figures represents the best of 2013.

Appeals Court 'Ready' to Strike Down Va. Marriage Ban

Those inside the federal courthouse for the Fourth District Court of Appeals today report that two of three judges appeared ready to strike down Virginia's constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

PHOTOS: Protests Flank Virginia's First Marriage Hearing

Flanked by pro- and anti-equality protestors, the first of two cases hoping to strike down Virginia's ban on marriage equality was heard at the federal courthouse today in Norfolk, Va.

Prop. 8 Legal Team Sets Sights on Va. Marriage Ban

Ted Olson and David Boies, the bipartisan legal team that successfully argued against California's Proposition 8 at the Supreme Court, have signed on to a federal challenge to Virginia's ban on marriage equality.