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How LGBTQ+ and Democratic leaders are reacting to Biden dropping out, endorsing Harris

Jared Polis and Kelley Robinson
Polis courtesy Colorago Governor's Office; Robinson courtesy HRC

Jared Polis and Kelley Robinson

Advocacy groups and political leaders rushed to respond to Sunday's news, offering sympathy and support.


LGBTQ+ activists and Democratic leaders are reacting with sympathy and support to President Joe Biden’s announcement that he is withdrawing from the presidential race and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee.

Harris, known for her strong allyship with the LGBTQ+ community, has a long history supporting LGBTQ+ rights. As California’s attorney general, she refused to defend Proposition 8, a voter-approved initiative that reversed marriage equality before the courts struck it down. Harris officiated some of the first same-sex marriages in the U.S. 20 years ago as San Francisco district attorney and has been a vocal advocate for queer rights throughout her career.

Here's how various groups have responded to Sunday's news:

Human Rights Campaign

“We are deeply grateful to President Biden for his more than 50 years of public service and his longtime support for the LGBTQ+ community,” said a statement from Human Rights Campaign President Kelley Robinson. “Today’s announcement reflects his legacy and what President Biden has done his entire career: put the needs of Americans and his country above his own. “We owe the Biden-Harris team a debt of gratitude for leading the country out of a state of chaos and constant crisis under former President Trump.

The Biden-Harris administration has been the most pro-LGBTQ+ equality administration in history: assembling the most diverse administration, signing the Respect for Marriage Act into law to protect against attacks on marriage equality, and taking important steps to protect our transgender community and LGBTQ+ students. President Biden and Vice President Harris have worked closely with HRC and others to get things done and move us closer to equality. We look forward to hearing President Biden address the nation later this week.”

Related: How pro-LGBTQ+ is Kamala Harris?

LGBTQ Members of Congress

California U.S. Rep. Robert Garcia, the first gay immigrant elected to Congress, was among the first to publicly endorse Harris. In a post on X, formerlyTwitter, he wrote, “It’s been an honor to support @JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris from day one. Now we must unite around our Vice-President and defeat Donald Trump. I’m all in, are you? Let’s go!”

Garcia, a campaign co-chair for Harris during the 2020 primaries and currently a campaign surrogate, added, “In the 2020 primary, we worked like hell to elect our Senator Kamala Harris as President. It was an honor to serve as a campaign co-chair and travel the country for her. When she withdrew we got behind Joe Biden. Now we are going to support them both by electing her President.”

New YorkU.S. Rep. Ritchie Torres, the first Afro-Latino LGBTQ+ person elected to Congress, also expressed his enthusiastic support for Harris, praising Biden’s decision as statesmanship. In a statement on X, Torres wrote, “President Joe Biden’s selfless decision to step aside for a new generation of leadership—Vice President Kamala Harris—is an act of Washingtonian statesmanship. President Biden leaves behind a transformative legacy that puts him in the pantheon of great presidents among the likes of FDR and LBJ.”

Torres highlighted Biden’s achievements in various areas. “He has set our country on a trajectory to transition to a clean energy economy and combat catastrophic climate change,” Torres wrote. “He has made the largest investments in infrastructure in more than half a century. He has positioned the United States to lead the 21st century with unprecedented investments in science and semiconductors. He has given America the most productive and productively bipartisan presidency in recent memory in areas ranging from gun safety to veteran health care.”

Torres concluded by emphasizing the strength of Biden’s actions, saying, “President Biden’s decision to exit the stage is not an act of weakness but an act of strength—an affirmation that he has had a level of achievement in one term that most two-term Presidents would envy and few could emulate. His has been a monumental presidency for the ages, one that will be remembered long after his time in office.”

Torres and Rep. Mark Takano also released a joint statement as cochairs of Equality PAC, which works to elect LGBTQ+ people to Congress: “President Joe Biden is a patriot and a true believer in our democratic republic. His lifetime of public service has inspired many and this act, stepping away from our Party’s nomination, will help cement his strong legacy.

He has been the most pro-LGBTQ President in American history, and along with Vice President Kamala Harris, have gone to unprecedented lengths to defend our community, protect our rights, and create a nation that is inclusive of all. President Biden’s service to the LGBTQ community is one that will be remembered for generations to come and we are incredibly grateful for the work his administration has done on behalf of LGBTQ Americans.
The stakes could not be higher in this election for LGBTQ Americans. Every day, members of our community, especially members of the trans community, are demonized and attacked by Donald Trump and his MAGA extremists that seek to paint these patriotic Americans as a group that should be feared. We cannot let this type of hatred win, and we must support a candidate for President that shares the values of equality, inclusivity, and decency.

That candidate is Vice President Kamala Harris. There is no one more prepared to take on the position as President than Vice President Harris. From her days as Attorney General of California, Vice President Harris has staunchly defended the LGBTQ community, making sure our rights were not only protected but enshrined into law. We look forward to working with her in the next administration, alongside a new Pro-Equality Majority in the House, to pass the Equality Act and ensure all LGBTQ Americans have equal rights under the law.”

Related: With Joe Biden out of the 2024 presidential election, what happens next?

LGBTQ+ Victory Institute

"The LGBTQ+ Victory Institute commends President Joe Biden on leading the most progressive and inclusive presidential term in American history," said a statement from Victory Institute President and CEO Annise Parker. "Under President Biden, LGBTQ+ people have received a record number of federal appointments, including cabinet members, judges, and around 14% of the administration. His dedication to supporting LGBTQ+ communities and championing pro-equality legislation and executive action has created the most inclusive and affirming administration our country has ever seen. And, despite attacks on LGBTQ+ liberties in state governments nationwide, the Biden administration has reinforced its dedication to LGBTQ+ equality through action. We are sincerely grateful for President Biden's leadership, partnership, and service to our nation. We know we have a trusted ally in Vice President Kamala Harris who works tirelessly toward full LGBTQ+ equality."

National LGBTQ Task Force

Kierra Johnson, executive director of the National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund, had this to say: “We are grateful for President Biden’s decades of service and allyship to LGBTQ communities - and for everything his administration has done to move our community forward. At this critical moment for our democracy and our freedoms, we have both hope and excitement for Vice President Kamala Harris and what she can do for our country. We fully expect a continued commitment to always putting our communities first. We now recommit to moving forward in the democratic process, the upcoming convention and the November elections. The Task Force action fund calls on LGBTQ+ people and our allies to take action and engage in the political process. Only through a show of voting power in the November 5 election will we begin building the democracy we deserve.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, the first out gay man elected governor of any state, released this statement: “President Biden is a true partner to Colorado, and a proud patriot. Throughout his decades of service to this country, and especially during his service as Vice President to President Obama and over the last four years as President, he has helped lead the United States through many great successes. President Biden is now, and has always been, there for Coloradans during times of grief and moments of triumph. He has helped Colorado deliver more low-cost clean energy, address climate change, improve our roads and bridges with historic federal funding, and supported Colorado as we fought to preserve our public lands. This could not have been an easy decision but it is the right one, and Joe Biden promised Americans he would always do what’s right for our country and once again he has delivered. I know President Biden and Jill are making this choice with the future of Americans in their hearts. The United States cannot afford another potential four years of a disastrous Trump presidency that would trample on rights and freedoms, derail our economy, increase costs and harm our international standing. Coloradans and I are deeply grateful to President Biden for his incredible leadership and his unrelenting commitment to the country we all love.”

NY State Democratic Committee

The New York State Democratic Committee had this to say: “I admired Joe Biden when he was a United States Senator. I thought his selection as Barack Obama’s Vice Presidential pick was perfect for our country. I have admired Joe Biden’s decency, honesty, and his demonstrated courage in the face of the most difficult of personal adversities. Joe Biden has been one of our most successful and impactful Presidents — certainly one of the most productive in the past 60 years — and I have admired the job he has done under the most difficult of circumstances.

“I have never admired Joe Biden more than I do today. Voluntarily ceding the nomination and forgoing a chance to serve for another four years in the job that he did so well in and spent a lifetime dreaming of attaining, is as noble an act as ever recorded in America’s political history. Joe Biden’s selflessness; his putting country and party above his own personal desires, places him in the category of every great political leader since George Washington set the standard some 225 years ago.

“While the nation’s gratitude may be blurred by the politics of our current times, history will record and all will long remember Joe Biden not just for what he did as President, but for what he gave up, so that we may continue as that ‘shining city on a hill.’”


GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis tweeted, “Thank you, President Biden for your staunch support and work for LGBTQ Americans,” along with Biden’s statement on his withdrawal.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom tweeted, “President Biden has been an extraordinary, history-making president — a leader who has fought hard for working people and delivered astonishing results for all Americans. He will go down in history as one of the most impactful and selfless presidents.”

This story is developing.

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Trudy Ring

Trudy Ring is The Advocate’s senior politics editor and copy chief. She has been a reporter and editor for daily newspapers and LGBTQ+ weeklies/monthlies, trade magazines, and reference books. She is a political junkie who thinks even the wonkiest details are fascinating, and she always loves to see political candidates who are groundbreaking in some way. She enjoys writing about other topics as well, including religion (she’s interested in what people believe and why), literature, theater, and film. Trudy is a proud “old movie weirdo” and loves the Hollywood films of the 1930s and ’40s above all others. Other interests include classic rock music (Bruce Springsteen rules!) and history. Oh, and she was a Jeopardy! contestant back in 1998 and won two games. Not up there with Amy Schneider, but Trudy still takes pride in this achievement.
Trudy Ring is The Advocate’s senior politics editor and copy chief. She has been a reporter and editor for daily newspapers and LGBTQ+ weeklies/monthlies, trade magazines, and reference books. She is a political junkie who thinks even the wonkiest details are fascinating, and she always loves to see political candidates who are groundbreaking in some way. She enjoys writing about other topics as well, including religion (she’s interested in what people believe and why), literature, theater, and film. Trudy is a proud “old movie weirdo” and loves the Hollywood films of the 1930s and ’40s above all others. Other interests include classic rock music (Bruce Springsteen rules!) and history. Oh, and she was a Jeopardy! contestant back in 1998 and won two games. Not up there with Amy Schneider, but Trudy still takes pride in this achievement.

Christopher Wiggins

Christopher Wiggins is a senior national reporter for The Advocate. He has a rich career in storytelling and highlighting underrepresented voices. Growing up in a bilingual household in Germany, his German mother and U.S. Army father exposed him to diverse cultures early on, influencing his appreciation for varied perspectives and communication. His work in Washington, D.C., primarily covers the nexus of public policy, politics, law, and LGBTQ+ issues. Wiggins' reporting focuses on revealing lesser-known stories within the LGBTQ+ community. Key moments in his career include traveling with Vice President Kamala Harris and interviewing her in the West Wing about LGBTQ+ support. In addition to his national and political reporting, Wiggins represents The Advocate in the White House Press Pool and is a member of several professional journalistic organizations, including the White House Correspondents’ Association, Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists, and Society of Professional Journalists. His involvement in these groups highlights his commitment to ethical journalism and excellence in the field. Follow him on X/Twitter @CWNewser ( and Threads @CWNewserDC (
Christopher Wiggins is a senior national reporter for The Advocate. He has a rich career in storytelling and highlighting underrepresented voices. Growing up in a bilingual household in Germany, his German mother and U.S. Army father exposed him to diverse cultures early on, influencing his appreciation for varied perspectives and communication. His work in Washington, D.C., primarily covers the nexus of public policy, politics, law, and LGBTQ+ issues. Wiggins' reporting focuses on revealing lesser-known stories within the LGBTQ+ community. Key moments in his career include traveling with Vice President Kamala Harris and interviewing her in the West Wing about LGBTQ+ support. In addition to his national and political reporting, Wiggins represents The Advocate in the White House Press Pool and is a member of several professional journalistic organizations, including the White House Correspondents’ Association, Association of LGBTQ+ Journalists, and Society of Professional Journalists. His involvement in these groups highlights his commitment to ethical journalism and excellence in the field. Follow him on X/Twitter @CWNewser ( and Threads @CWNewserDC (