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Ireland to Become First Country to Divest From Fossil Fuels


No country has done this before.


Ireland is set to become the first country in the world to completely divest from fossil fuel investments. A bill to this effect passed Ireland's lower house of Parliament Thursday, and it is expected to move through the upper house before the end of the year. "Ireland, by divesting, is sending a clear message that the Irish public and the international community are ready to think and act beyond narrow short-term vested interests," said Member of Parliamnet Thomas Pringle. With this step, Ireland becomes a leader of sustainability in the international community.


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Allison Tate

Allison Tate is the Director of Editorial Video at Pride Media, and creates videos for The Advocate, OUT and PRIDE. She is a filmmaker, swing dancer, and enthusiastic Carol fan who works to amplify marginalized voices in media.
Allison Tate is the Director of Editorial Video at Pride Media, and creates videos for The Advocate, OUT and PRIDE. She is a filmmaker, swing dancer, and enthusiastic Carol fan who works to amplify marginalized voices in media.