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Focus on The Family

Read the latest news about Focus on the Family, the antigay organization founded by James Dobson and currently helmed by Jim Daily. Focus on the Family promotes a socially conservative agenda with evangelical roots that draws from morals and principles interpreted from the Bible. Learn more about the rightwing and anti-marriage equality group that was one of the key players responsible for the passage of Proposition 8 in California as well as other measures that prevent same-sex couples from marrying and adopting children.

Focus on the Family, an Anti-LGBTQ+ Group, Defaced in Wake of Club Q

A group called Colorado Peoples Press claimed responsibility for spray-paitning "Their blood is on your hands" and "Five lives taken" on a sign at Focus's headquarters in Colorado Springs.

With 'Duck Dynasty' Cast in Tow, Anti-LGBTQ+ Group Opens Bookstore

Focus on the Family, a prominent Christian right group, opened the shop this week in Holland, Mich.

Patriots' Ben Watson Defends Anti-LGBTQ Group on 'Fox & Friends'

The tight end said the organization just wants to uphold marriage and slammed attacks on Drew Brees.

Football Star Drew Brees Appears in Video Produced by Anti-LGBTQ Group

The "Bring Your Bible To School Day" video was made and promoted by Focus On The Family.

Pence at Religious Right Meeting: Trump Is 'Unwavering Ally'

The vice president focused on "religious freedom" and abortion in a speech to Focus on the Family.

Dating App Hornet Takes on Anti-LGBT Hate Groups

Hornet is countering the groups with a series of billboards around the nation.

'Enemies of Equality' Report Draws Liberty Counsel's Ire

Freedom for All Americans charts the interlocking relationships of anti-LGBT groups, and Liberty Counsel protests, especially against conservative LGBT rights supporter Paul Singer.

James Dobson: Be a Man, Shoot a Trans Woman Peeing

In a new column, the Christian right leader promotes the "bathroom predator" myth in a big way and suggests a violent reponse. 

LISTEN: Huckabee Thinks He'd Be Too Effective

Because he'd end same-sex marriage and abortion, religious right groups wouldn't be able to use those issues in fundraising, Mike Huckabee contends.

Focus on the Family Founder: 'We Lost the Culture War'

Now that same-sex couples can legally marry nationwide, evangelical leader James Dobson says he and his anti-LGBT contemporaries have officially lost the 'culture war' they started.

James Dobson Doesn’t Know What Bisexuality Is: 'Orgies'?

The infamous founder of Focus on the Family is at it again.

Southern Baptist Conference Wrap-Up: Shifting Rhetoric, Maintaining Anti-LGBT Beliefs

While some LGBT and allied voices advocated for change, the Southern Baptist Convention event in Nashville largely reflected the leadership's continued opposition to LGBT equality and acceptance.

Right-Wingers Claim Gay Republicans Fundamentally 'Wrong'

Two gay candidates for the U.S. House and a gay-friendly nominee for the Senate are 'wrong on critical, foundational issues,' say the archconservative organizations.

WATCH: Antibias Laws Biased Against Christians, Says Right-Wing Group

A new video from a Focus on the Family affiliate makes this claim, but it's lacking in logic.

Evangelical Project Seeks to Change Image on LGBT Issues — But Not Policy

A new online campaign calls on evangelical Christians to respect LGBT people and recognize they're made in God's image, but doesn't shift the prevailing evangelical view on LGBT equality.

Progressives Blast Air Force Academy's 'Ex-Gay' Counselor

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation reveals a new billboard to call out the U.S. Air Force Academy's hiring an advocate of 'ex-gay therapy' to lead its mandatory cadet counseling program.

Gay Cadet Slams USAFA's Defense of 'Ex-Gay' Therapist

The U.S. Air Force Academy claims that gay cadets are safe and welcomed on campus, despite the academy's hiring of a staunch advocate of 'ex-gay' therapy who developed the school's mandatory counseling program.

'Ex-Gay' Therapist Leading Air Force Academy's Cadet Counseling

Mike Rosebush has spent more than two decades advocating for the discredited therapeutic practice that aims to turn gay people straight. He's now the head of the cadet counseling program at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

Attorney Tears Apart Matthew Shepard Murder Theories

Attorney Tim Newcomb counters the assertions in a new book that claims Shepard's murder was not a hate crime.

VIDEO: "News" Program Explores Horrors of Gay-Inclusive Education

A "news" program sponsored by the antigay group Focus on the Family calls efforts at gay-inclusive education "Orwellian."