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Gay Teacher

Schools have been at the forefront of many recent battles about discrimination in the workplace, with many gay or lesbian teachers being fired from their hard-earned jobs simply because of the bias of the school administrators and/or parents. Despite what one may hear, gay teachers are the same as straight ones: They are committed to helping their students learn. And if anything, having a diversity of identities represented at a school will help the students, not hurt them. The Advocate has everything you need to know about how gay teachers are fighting discrimination

Op-ed: What I Learned in High School From a Gay Teacher

A straight high school junior in Lexington, Ky., gets a lesson in empathy from an out member of her school's faculty.

Randi Weingarten calls Donald Trump 'connoisseur of chaos and fear' at PFLAG event (exclusive)

She didn’t hold back during her interview with The Advocate ahead of the event at which she was being honored.

Gay Teacher Marries, Fired From Catholic School

Ken Bencomo was fired by St. Lucy's Priory High School after marrying his partner of ten years in California.

Gay Teacher Fired After Hacker Leaks Private Sex Tape

The teacher alleges a hacker swiped the video out of his Dropbox account and posted it to the school's website.

Gay Teacher Loses Job After Hanging a Rainbow Peace Sign

The aspiring Arkansas high school teacher had displayed a pro-tolerance poster.