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George H. W. Bush

LGBTQ+ Republicans: What a Joke

The GOP decided long ago that scapegoating the community is more valuable than courting it. Will that ever change?

Hillary Refused to Turn Her Head, Acknowledge Trump at Bush Funeral

Madame Secretary gave the popular vote loser the greeting he deserves.


George H.W. Bush's AIDS Neglect Reflected America's Gay Hate

The 41st president was far from a hero when it came to HIV, but he was in lockstep, if not ahead, of the average American at the time.

George H.W. Bush Vilified for Neglecting AIDS

While many praise the late president as a political moderate, some activists say his record on AIDS deserves scorn.

How Once-Moderate Bush Got Hijacked by the Religious Right

Our October 1992 cover story explores how George H.W. Bush -- desperate to be reelected -- formed an unholy alliance that haunts us still. 

The Top 10 Unexpected Heroes of The Resistance

It's a year after the election, and some unlikely sources have risen to fight Donald Trump.

The Best Political Satire of 'Saturday Night Live'

From Chevy Chase as a clumsy Gerald Ford to Kate McKinnon as an eager Hillary Clinton, SNL has shaped the way Americans view our presidential candidates.ā€¦
Marriage Equality

Southern Baptist Slams Bushes for Witnessing Lesbian Wedding

The President of the Southern Baptists Theological Seminary says attending the same-sex wedding of a friend cannot be a 'neutral act.'