Officials at the
recent National Conference on Latinos and AIDS in
Chicago say that crystal methamphetamine use is emerging as
a leading cause for HIV infections among gay Latino
men, but they note that there are few meth awareness
and prevention programs that target Latin men, the
Chicago Free Press reports.
show crystal meth use among Latino gay men is similar to
white gay men. Yet there are virtually no campaigns
for users or to prevent crystal meth use in Spanish,"
Dennis deLeon, president of the New York-based Latino
Commission on AIDS, told the Free Press. But simply
translating the language of meth prevention and
treatment programs designed for white gay men into
Spanish will likely fail because they won't be culturally
relevant to Latin men, he adds.
DeLeon also says
that the considerable stigma homosexuality carries in
Latin communities may play a role in increased HIV infection
risks for gay Latin men. "For Latino men who
have sex with men, sexual silence imposed by the
family is an important factor in HIV," he told the
Free Press. "The silence built of fear of
disclosure leads drug-using Latino men and women and Latino
[men who have sex with men] to engage in more risky
sexual behavior in unsafe venues."