treatment for early breast cancer based on a genetic test
that looks for 21 key genes in breast cancer cells can
help avoid giving expensive. debilitating chemotherapy
to patients who will not benefit from it, the
Associated Press reports. The vast majority of women treated
for small, hormone-sensitive breast tumors that have not
spread require only surgery, radiation, and hormone
treatment, researchers say, but virtually all of them
are also prescribed chemotherapy to cover the few
women with more aggressive forms of cancer.
A new test from
Genonic Health, called the Oncotype DX test, screens for
21 key genes in breast cancer tumors that predict the
likelihood of a recurrence and whether chemotherapy
might be needed. The test results appear on a scale
from 0 to 100, with higher numbers indicating greater
risk of recurrence. For women with scores greater than 30,
chemotherapy is helpful, the researchers say. Studies
have shown that women with scores over 30 who received
chemotherapy improved their odds of being cancer-free
10 years after their initial diagnosis, from 61% to 88%.
However, for women with scores below 18, chemotherapy was
shown to make no difference in lowering the
possibility of recurrence.
Data was
inconclusive for women with genetic test scores between 18
and 30; an ongoing National Cancer Institute study
involving 10,000 women is attempting to determine the
best course of treatment for women who fall into this
category. (The Advocate)