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Kate Kendell

The latest news about Kate Kendell, the out lesbian leader of NCLR, the National Center for Lesbian Rights, which is a national organization that advocates for the legal rights of the LGBT community. Kate Kendall has been a leader at NCLR since 1994, and now serves as the center's executive director. Kendall is considered a national spokeswoman for LGBT civil rights and has written for major media outlets in support of the cause, including The Advocate, The New York Times, and NPR.

The United FORrlando Concert Experience

It was a night of catharsis and conversation as the Los Angeles LGBT Center held an emotional benefit for the victims of the Pulse massacre in Orlando and their loved ones. 

LGBT Leader Quits Mormon Church

Kate Kendell announced in a national newspaper opinion piece why she's formally left the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Who the F is Kate Kendell Anyway?

Who the F is Kate Kendell Anyway?