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No, Linda Harvey, Straights Have Oral and Anal Sex Too

No, Linda Harvey, Straights Have Oral and Anal Sex Too

LGBTQ people are mocking the Christian right activist after she claimed those sex practices are strictly gay.

Linda Harvey, the founder of antigay Christian organization Mission: America, has claimed that all oral and anal sex is gay, leading scores of LGBTQ people to mock her remark

In a column for the far-right site Barbwire, Harvey argued that teaching safe sex practices in schools is bad for children and that LGBTQ people are using sex education to corrupt students.

"Let's not forget the deadly contribution of 'LGBTQ' advocates who demand 'inclusive' sex ed --i.e., lessons that outline in detail how kids can engage in anal and oral sex, the sex practices of homosexuals. These lessons often encourage masturbation and pornography use," she wrote. "Outright molestation isn't always the outcome of 'LGBTQ' propaganda, but mental and moral corruption is."

Rather than let a homophobe get them down, LGBTQ people have taken to Twitter to laugh at Harvey's assessment of oral and anal sex as exclusively gay practices.

Harvey, who has a long record of homophobia, has yet to respond to the uproar, but Mission: America is already designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an active anti-LGBTQ hate group.

In this case, perhaps it's smartest to fight hate with laughter.

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