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Tenn. County Snubs Antigay Resolution Seeking 'God's Mercy' for Marriage Equality

Tenn. County Snubs Antigay Resolution Seeking 'God's Mercy' for Marriage Equality

Blount County Commissioner Karen Miller
Blount County Commissioner Karen Miller

The county meeting was adjourned before the resolution could be put to a vote. Now the resolution's sponsor says she will 'most likely' rescind the antigay tirade. 

A resolution "condemning judicial tyranny and petitioning God's mercy" introduced in a Tennessee county as a response to nationwide marriage equality was shunned Tuesday, according to the Associated Press.

The resolution was scheduled for a vote, but according to the AP, the meeting in Blout County was adjourned before one could be held.

After the sudden vote to end the meeting, some of the 150 attendees expressed disbelief, shouting "Cowards!" and "You've got to be kidding me!" the wire service reported.

The resolution, which was introduced by Blount County Commissioner Karen Miller, asks the county to call upon Tennessee elected officials "to protect Natural Marriage, from lawless court opinions" and makes mention of "Sodom and Gomorrah" and "the Passover Lamb."

Miller, who voted against ending the meeting, told the AP that the adjournment was "not fair to the citizens. They've come a long way to speak, and they should be allowed to speak."

Neither supporters nor detractors seemed to know what the committee's adjournment vote meant for the resolution in the long run, noted the AP.

Miller told the wire service that she would "most likely" reintroduce the resolution.

Inside the meeting, which was filled to capacity, the majority of attendees were wearing red to signify support for marriage equality, reports the AP. Approximately 100 people wearing red were also gathered outside the Blount County Courthouse, where the meeting took place.

One marriage equality supporter spoke out outside the meeting in the video below:

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