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Shocker! Gay Republican doesn't get LGBTQ+ group's endorsement after anti-trans comments

Curtis Bashaw New Jersey Curtis Bashaw running for US Senate
Curtis Bashaw for U.S. Senate via Facebook

Curtis Bashaw’s campaign didn't react positively when Garden State Equality endorsed his Democratic opposition in the race for one of New Jersey's federal Senate seats, Rep. Andrew Kim.

Despite being openly anti-transgender, a gay Republican in New Jersey was still expecting to get an LGBTQ+ group's endorsement.

Curtis Bashaw’s campaign didn't react positively when Garden State Equality, one of the largest LGBTQ+ civil rights groups in the state, endorsed his Democratic opposition in the race for one of New Jersey's federal Senate seats, Rep. Andrew Kim. Bashaw's team said in a recent statement via the New Jersey Globe that the decision is "absurd."

“There’s a historic opportunity to elect the first openly gay U.S. Senator in New Jersey history, and Garden State Equality made their endorsement based on partisan politics," said spokesperson Jeanette Hoffman.

Bashaw drew ire in June for a conversation with the Washington Examiner in which he referred to trans girls as “biological males" and claimed — without supporting evidence — that "it’s a difficult thing for women to have biological males competing in female sports.”

“These social issues are raised to a prominence that is exhausting people," he said.

Meanwhile, Kim is a co-sponsor of the Equality Act, which would update federal laws to protect LGBTQ+ people from discrimination in employment, housing, education, credit, and jury service.

Garden State Equality Action Fund chair Jeannine Frisby LaRue justified the organization's decision in a statement accompanying the endorsement, in which she explained "while Curtis Bashaw’s potential election to the U.S. Senate would indeed be historic, after careful review of his responses to our questionnaire, it is clear that his positions do not meet our criteria for being a true pro-equality candidate."

“As a woman of color who has broken barriers in my own career, I understand the importance of representation," she said. "However, representation alone cannot outweigh the need for leaders who prioritize the safety and well-being of the LGBTQ+ community, especially our youth. Curtis Bashaw’s responses fell short of the commitment we require from those seeking our endorsement.”

The Advocate has reached out to GSE for comment.

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Ryan Adamczeski

Ryan is a reporter at The Advocate, and a graduate of New York University Tisch's Department of Dramatic Writing, with a focus in television writing and comedy. She first became a published author at the age of 15 with her YA novel "Someone Else's Stars," and is now a member of GALECA, the LGBTQ+ society of entertainment critics, and the IRE, the society of Investigative Reporters and Editors. In her free time, Ryan likes watching New York Rangers hockey, listening to the Beach Boys, and practicing witchcraft.
Ryan is a reporter at The Advocate, and a graduate of New York University Tisch's Department of Dramatic Writing, with a focus in television writing and comedy. She first became a published author at the age of 15 with her YA novel "Someone Else's Stars," and is now a member of GALECA, the LGBTQ+ society of entertainment critics, and the IRE, the society of Investigative Reporters and Editors. In her free time, Ryan likes watching New York Rangers hockey, listening to the Beach Boys, and practicing witchcraft.