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More than 100 chapters join PFLAG’s “safe schools” campaign

More than 100 chapters join PFLAG’s “safe schools” campaign


Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays announced Monday that more than 100 chapters are participating in From Our House to the School House: A Recipe for Safe Schools, a nationwide program to make schools safe for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered students and others. Through the program, PFLAG chapters work with their local school districts to incorporate GLBT-positive images in their resources, programs, and curricula. We are very proud of the work that PFLAG members around the country are doing in their local school districts, said Kirsten Kingdon, PFLAG executive director. Our national safe schools program gives local PFLAG chapters the tools to work within their school system to dismantle institutional homophobia and promote a more inclusive environment. From Our House to the School House is a long-term program to make schools a safe and welcoming environment for all students, particularly GLBT students, those whose parents are GLBT, and those who are perceived to be GLBT. It was formally launched in October 2000.

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