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Documentary on New York's AIDS Service Center included at film festivals (9171)

Documentary on New York's AIDS Service Center included at film festivals (9171)

Documentary on New York's AIDS Service Center included at film festivals (9171)

9171Health News2003-07-04

Documentary on New York's AIDS Service Center included at film festivals

My Life in Verse, a documentary film about the poetry-writing program at New York City's AIDS Service Center, has been included in two July film festivals. The 16-minute film, directed by Marnee Meyer, a first-time filmmaker and development officer at the center, will be screened during the Philadelphia International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival July 14 and on July 22 at the Reel Venus Film Festival in New York. My Life in Verse focuses on the participants in the poetry-writing program, who learn to use prose to reflect their lives and experiences in living with HIV.

"When you see how uplifted the participants feel as they learn to express themselves through poetry, you realize how important this workshop is in the healing process," Meyer said in a press release. "I wanted this film to capture the accomplishment they feel and the joy and strength they gain from sharing their life experiences." For more information about the Philadelphia International Gay and Lesbian Film Festival, go online to For more information about the Reel Venus Film Festival.


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