At a town hall
meeting about sex education in Maryland public schools
last March, Scott Davenport told the crowd he felt scared
when he stood up to speak. "It just felt like
you were a Jew in Germany in the 1930s,"
recalls the gay father of an eighth-grader and a 10th-grader
in the Montgomery County school district.
A group of
conservative religious parents had invited antigay groups
like Family Research Council, Concerned Women for
America, and Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays
to the meeting in the largely liberal Maryland county.
They complained that an updated sex-ed curriculum
"normalized" gay men and lesbians by implying
that homosexuality is a biological trait. They also
argued the program did not do enough to stress sexual
abstinence until marriage. Under pressure from the groups,
the school board voted in May not only to scrap the
homosexuality component but to kill a seven-minute
video demonstrating how to use a condom.
Emboldened by
recent political advances, far-right Christian
organizations are successfully censoring gay-friendly
sex-education lessons across the country. Some are
replacing pro-gay materials with antigay messages,
while others encourage counselors to refer young gays
to "ex-gay" programs, which teach that
homosexuality can and should be changed. At the same
time, the Bush administration is funneling hundreds of
millions of taxpayer dollars into abstinence-until-marriage
sex-ed programs that ignore gay youth altogether.
"A lot of abstinence-only-until-marriage
curricula doesn't address gay and lesbian youth
as being something that exists," says Jessie Gilliam,
program manager for Advocates for Youth, which
promotes inclusive sex education.
"Over the
years, some of the more overt [antigay] biases about sexual
orientation have been removed," says Martha Kempner,
director of public information for the Sexuality
Information and Education Council of the United
States. "But the subtle bias is always there.
They're teaching abstinence until marriage, and
if you're a young person who knows you're
gay, you also know you're not allowed to get
Eleven of the 13
most popular abstinence-only programs blur religion and
science, teach gender stereotypes, and contain scientific
errors, according to a report by U.S. representative
Henry Waxman of California. One curriculum falsely
tells students that they can catch HIV through sweat
and tears. Another wrongly says 50% of gay teens have HIV.
"A little minority of religious nuts can change
everything," says Jim Kennedy, a straight
parent who helped form the group
Indeed, parents
in the Detroit suburb of Troy have been fighting to get
the local high school to take down posters that say gay
people are everyday people. In Illinois, 60% of health
teachers do not cover sexual orientation, according to
a recent study. In Texas, conservative Christians on
the board of education approved textbooks only after
publishers agreed to define marriage as a union between one
man and one woman. And in North Carolina, a school
board last year removed lessons about sexual
orientation and approved a strict abstinence-only
curriculum. "The only plan gay youth are being given
by the school system to prevent the transmission of
sexually transmitted diseases is something that is not
really available to them: marriage," says Ian
Palmquist, executive director of programs for the gay
rights group Equality NC.
Since the late
1960s, conservative Christians have used sex education to
agitate parents, raise money, and gain power, says Janice
Irvine, author of Talk About Sex: The Battles Over
Sex Education in the United States. But some
parents, gay and straight, are fighting back. In the
Atlanta suburb of Decatur, a group of parents this year
questioned why middle schools used a sex-education
curriculum that they claimed contained medical and
scientific inaccuracies. In response, the DeKalb
County school system stopped using the material. And
lawmakers in Washington State recently voted for
age-appropriate, medically accurate sex education.
But despite the
efforts of Davenport and other parents in Maryland, the
Christian conservatives are winning there, at least for now.
The antigay group Citizens for a Responsible
Curriculum and the Virginia-based Parents and Friends
of Ex-Gays and Gays won a restraining order against
the introduction of pro-gay sex-education materials in
Montgomery County. But in a settlement reached with
the groups on June 27, the school district reserved
the right to again include references to homosexuality
when it develops a new curriculum in the next school year.
In the meantime, the district is using its old policy,
which allows teachers to answer questions about
homosexuality only if asked and only in a perfunctory
"We always
have found ourselves welcomed in Montgomery County,"
says Davenport, who is raising his two children with
his partner of 28 years, Tim Fisher. "For this
kind of stuff to rear its head here and win feels